Which Countries Have Digital Nomad Visas: 40 Countries with Digital Nomad Visas

You are of course aware that the pandemic has forced millions of people to work remotely. Many countries saw this as an opportunity to attract these remote workers — the "digital nomads". And one by one, they began to create special visa programs. Currently, there are over 40 different digital nomad visas that you can apply for. In this article, we will delve into each of them and learn about all the options, their pros and cons. But let's start with the basics.

What is a digital nomad visa?

A digital nomad visa is a long-term visa or temporary residence permit for those who earn an income by working remotely. It entitles you to a long-term stay in many countries - and it's relatively easy to get. More precisely, it is not a visa in the strict sense of the word, but a program for obtaining a residence permit in these countries for a period of six months or more, mostly for one year. In most cases, after this time, the documents can be extended, and in some cases - to re-issue a residence permit on other grounds (for example, employment in the host country). However, the visa itself, that is, the right to enter the country, will have to be obtained separately. In some cases, you will also have to rent accommodation and open a bank account in advance.

Some digital nomad visas may officially have a different name. For example, they may be called "freelancer visa", "self-employed visa" or "nomad visa".

Why are special visas being created for digital nomads?

Here are 5 trends that have led to digital nomads being targeted for the creation of a new type of visa or temporary residency permit:

  • Many countries have seen their tourism revenues severely reduced due to the Covid-19 pandemic. In response to this decline in tourism, countries began to actively attract digital nomads. It was thought that it was better to have one tourist living for 12 months than 26 tourists living for 2 weeks.
  • Working from home became the new norm during the pandemic and this made it easier to change countries and work remotely. A new class of wealthier digital nomads or techpaths (remote technology workers) emerged and were actively targeted with a new class of visas. Almost all digital nomad visas involve minimum income requirements.
  • Tax revenues, mainly VAT, import duties and filing fees from highly paid digital nomads support government budgets.
  • Reversing the long-term brain drain. There is a large number of countries that suffer from brain drain, where highly educated people leave the country to work elsewhere. Digital nomad visas, some of which have additional tax benefits, were created to bring lost professionals back into the country.

Who would a digital nomad visa be suitable for?

These programs are usually best suited for employees who can afford to work remotely for good money. It is not necessary to work in IT - usually the main requirement for a digital nomad visa is proof of the right level of income (and not so important in what field), which the applicant receives steadily from abroad.

Overall, the program is ideal for any remote workers and freelancers whose employers agree to an employee being physically located abroad.

How do I get a digital nomad visa?

Mostly, to get a digital nomad visa, you will need the following:

  • Proof of remote work: certificate of employment, freelancing contracts
  • A certain level of income: bank statements, payment records
  • Medical insurance
  • No criminal record
  • Payment of the visa fee

For almost all of these visas you will need insurance. I suggest you check out SafetyWing - health insurance for digital nomads from $45 per month.

Many countries have laws that require a visa to be ready within 4 weeks to 3 months. In reality, however, many countries delay the deadline and sometimes you have to wait for half a year for a response.

Next, describing the visas we will cover the following points:

  • Application procedure: link to a detailed article with the required documents and step-by-step application procedure
  • Residence permit: whether the visa is converted into a residence permit
  • Duration: what is the length of stay and whether it can be extended
  • Income: minimum required income per month
  • Family: whether family can be taken
  • Where to apply from: can you apply from your country of residence or only within the country you apply for
  • Conditions: special conditions, if any

How much does a digital nomad visa cost?

The cost of a digital nomad visa varies from country to country. For example, European visas are more likely to only require you to pay a consular fee. At the same time, many Caribbean countries ask for a significant amount, such as:

  • Antigua and Barbuda - €1388
  • Bahamas - €925
  • Barbados - €1850
  • Dominica - €740

What is the difference between a digital nomad visa and a digital nomad residence permit?

A digital nomad visa is a document that allows you to enter and stay in the country for up to 1 year. The digital nomad residence permit is a full-fledged residence permit, which can be converted into a permanent residence permit and then into citizenship.

If there is no agreement between your country of citizenship and the country of destination on a simplified entry procedure, you need a visa to visit that country. But even if there is such an agreement and you can enter without a visa, your stay in the country is still limited. A visa certifies that you have requested permission to enter for some purpose: tourism, study, work, business or medical treatment. In other words, the visa is responsible for your legal entry into the country, a kind of travel ticket that specifies (a) the entry corridor (the period of time during which the applicant is authorized to enter the country) and (b) the period of stay after entry.

But keep in mind that the final decision on your entry rests with the border officer.

There are long-term national visas that allow you to live in the country for up to a year, as you are legally in the country for a specific purpose (study, work). Staying on such visas does not count as years for obtaining citizenship, because it is not a residence permit.

But such a visa can be converted into a residence permit, as in the case of the Portuguese visa D7 for financially independent persons or D4 for students. And from the moment you receive a residence card, you get all the benefits of a residence permit.

A residence permit is your immigration status in a country that gives you the right to live there.

With a residence permit of a country, you can:

  • Live in the country
  • Work in the country (although not all types of residence permits imply full right to work)
  • Move your family
  • Cross the border freely
  • Apply for visas
  • Travel within Schengen zone (in case of EU residence permit)
  • Obtain permanent residence or citizenship of the country after a certain period of time

Note that in the case of a European residence permit, you can legally work only in the country that issued the residence permit. At the same time, you can do business all over Europe.

Can a digital nomad get a permanent residence permit and citizenship?

In many countries, once a digital nomad has obtained a residence permit, after a few years it is possible to apply for permanent residence and then citizenship. With permanent residency status in a country, one has the same rights as a citizen, except for the right to vote and hold public office.

Obviously, a permanent residence permit gives more advantages compared to a residence permit and here is why:

  • A residence permit must be renewed, confirming each time the immigration status. With a permanent residence it is only necessary to change the card every 5 years without proof.
  • Also, in order to renew the residence permit, it is necessary to comply with the rule of stay in the country: you can be absent from the country for no more than six months during the period of validity of the current residence permit. That is, if the residence permit card is issued for 2 years, then you must reside in the country for a year and a half. With a permanent residence you can be absent from the country for up to 2 years.
  • Residence permit in the EU allows you to stay in other countries of the union for no more than 3 months, while a permanent residence has no such limitation. Moreover, for holders of a permanent residence, the procedure for obtaining a residence permit in another EU country is greatly simplified.
  • For breaking the law with a residence permit - you will be deported, while with a permanent residence - you will be imprisoned on the spot.

Most often passports are obtained by naturalization, its chain looks like this: residence permit → permanent residence → citizenship. But, for example, in Portugal it is possible to obtain citizenship after 5 years of living under residence permit, skipping the stage of residence permit. Although sometimes instead of obtaining citizenship emigrants still first request a permanent residence. There are two reasons for this:

1. Your home country may not allow you to have a second citizenship.
2. The citizenship wait is much longer than the permanent residence, and the residence permit is coming to an end.

What taxes do digital nomads pay?

Some countries exempt digital nomad visa holders from paying income tax. Others create a special tax regime that allows them to pay less tax on income earned abroad. While other countries do not single out digital nomads in any way, in which case they pay taxes as regular tax residents.

How is this article organized?

This article will give you knowledge about all the digital nomad visas currently available. From the main article, you will learn about the pros and cons of each country for digital nomads, as well as the conditions for obtaining a digital nomad visa, and the features to look out for. By opening the additional country article, you can explore the list of documents required to apply for a visa, as well as step-by-step instructions for each country. Both this article and the additional ones include all the links you need to apply for a visa. Shall we get started?

Digital nomad visas in Europe

If you dream of living in Europe while working remotely, this part of the world offers many options, each unique in its own way. Let's break down what you need to know when choosing a location for your next adventure.

General requirements

In almost all European countries you will need to provide:

  • Proof of stable income from foreign sources.
  • Health insurance covering the entire period of your stay.
  • Proof of accommodation or rental contract.

Please note: from October 2024, entry to EU countries is only possible with a biometric passport.

Spain Digital Nomad Visa

  • How to apply
  • Residence permit: yes
  • Duration: 3 years with extension up to 5 years
  • Income: €2268 per month per applicant, from €850 per spouse and a minimum of €283 for each child
  • Family: yes
  • Where you can apply from: both from within the country and from the country of residence
  • Conditions: Employees and freelancers can get a 3-year residence permit in Spain on a visa for remote work. In this case, the employer and clients must be registered abroad - not in Spain. To apply for a visa or residency, the employee must work remotely not from Spain, have a contract concluded at least 3 months before the application, prove that his company has been operating for more than a year, and have a diploma or work experience of more than 3 years. The documents must be translated into Spanish. You can apply from the country where you are resident or from Spain. In this case, you can enter Spain on a short-term visa and apply for a residence permit at any time (until the end of the visa validity period). If the applicant applies from their home country, they will receive a visa for 1 year. After one year, you can apply for a residence permit. If you apply in Spain, you can get a residence permit for 3 years at once.

Italy Digital Nomad Visa

  • How to apply
  • Residence permit: yes
  • Duration: 1 year, with extension possible every year
  • Income: €2700
  • Family: yes
  • Where you can apply from: your country of residence
  • Conditions: The visa is available to workers earning at least three times the minimum amount required for exemption from healthcare contributions in Italy, which is approximately €28,000 per year. Applicants must demonstrate that they have adequate accommodations for their entire stay and that they have worked as a digital nomad or remote worker for a minimum of six months prior. To obtain the visa, individuals must visit a recognized diplomatic-consular office and provide a declaration signed by their employer.

Portugal Digital Nomad Visa

  • How to apply
  • Residence permit: yes
  • Duration: 2 years, with extension up to 5 years
  • Income: €3040
  • Family: yes
  • Where you can apply from: your country of residence
  • Conditions: The Digital Nomad Visa to Portugal is a full-fledged residence permit that allows remote workers with a remote income of €3040 or more per month to live in the country for 2 years. However, this residence permit can only be obtained through a resident visa applied for in the country of residence. From 2024, all Portuguese residents (after 6 months of residence) pay taxes on general grounds, i.e. on a progressive scale from 18% to 48%, depending on the total annual income.

Estonia Digital Nomad Visa

  • How to apply
  • Residence permit: no
  • Duration: 1 year, with extension up to 1.5 years
  • Income: €4500
  • Family: yes
  • Where you can apply from: your country of residence
  • Conditions: There are two types of digital nomad visas in Estonia, and the main difference between them is the amount of time granted to the visa holder. The digital nomad visa type C is a short-term visa that allows holders to live and work in Estonia for up to 90 days. The digital nomad visa type D is a long-term visa that allows the holder to live and work in Estonia for up to one year with the possibility of extension up to 1.5 years. The applicant must have a valid employment contract with a company that is registered outside Estonia or a document proving the registration of their own business. Working as a freelancer is also acceptable, but it will be necessary to prove the existence of foreign customers and income. The minimum financial threshold for digital nomads who want to work in Estonia is €4500. And such amounts must be earned monthly for six months before applying. The visa also allows you to bring your family with you. Estonia has restrictions for Russians and Belarusians.

Cyprus Digital Nomad Visa

  • How to apply
  • Residence permit: yes
  • Duration: 1 year, with extension up to 3 years
  • Income: €3500
  • Family: yes
  • Where you can apply from: only from Cyprus
  • Conditions: In Cyprus, the Digital Nomad visa allows you to reside in the country for up to 1 year with the possibility of extension up to 3 years. To obtain it, you need to prove an income of at least €3500 per month after deducting contributions and taxes. This visa also allows you to bring your family with you. If a person wants to move with a family, the required income increases by 20% for a spouse or partner and 15% for each child. To move with three people, one needs to earn from €4725. Remote workers become tax residents of Cyprus after 183 days of living on the island; the rate for digital nomads' income is from 30%. However, a digital nomad in Cyprus is considered a High Net Worth person and is entitled to certain tax benefits. For example, capital gains from the sale or transfer of shares, bonds or other financial instruments are not taxable.

Malta Digital Nomad Visa

  • How to apply
  • Residence permit: yes
  • Duration: 1 year, with extension up to 3 years
  • Income: €2700
  • Family: yes
  • Where you can apply from: online from anywhere
  • Conditions: Malta offers a visa for digital nomads, which entitles you to stay in the country for up to 1 year, renewable for up to 3 years. The visa also allows you to move freely within the Schengen area. The minimum monthly income for the visa is €2700.If you want to move your family, you need another €255 for each relative. The visa also includes a fee of €300. It is important to note that this visa does not allow you to work for local companies or have local clients. All of your income must be earned outside of the country in which you have a digital nomad visa. The required monthly income (€2700) is verified with a bank statement for the last 3 months. Plus, in the requirements they themselves state that the sources of income can be dividends, interest from investments, income from rental properties, assets and so on. The last two points especially make it clear that in principle it does not matter where your money comes from - the main thing is that you can prove it. With a digital nomad visa, you don't have to pay taxes in Malta unless you have income earned in Malta. Also, if you have tax residency in your home country, you don't need to pay taxes in Malta, even if you live there for more than 183 days a year. The visa documents are applied for in the city of Qormi. Applications from citizens of the Russian Federation and the Republic of Belarus will not be accepted at this time.

Netherlands Digital Nomad Visa

  • How to apply
  • Residence permit: yes
  • Duration: 2 years
  • Income: €1564
  • Family: yes
  • Where you can apply from: Netherlands embassy
  • Conditions: In the Netherlands, immigrants can live and work as self-employed. To do this, they must obtain a residence permit. The process of obtaining a residence permit is complicated, so this option is chosen only by those who fundamentally want to live in the Netherlands. First of all, you need to show a monthly income of at least €1564 before taxes. It is also necessary that your activity is of significant interest to the country's economy and has an innovative character. The Netherlands Enterprise Agency assesses applicants on three criteria: their personal experience, their business plan and the benefits they will bring to the country. For example, the applicant may create new jobs. The maximum score that can be achieved after the assessment is 300. To be approved, 90 points is enough - a minimum of 30 for each of the three criteria. Freelancers must prove that they have had at least one order from a Dutch company. Still have to register with the Chamber of Commerce and Industry's commercial register, KvK, and obtain all the necessary licenses to operate. As a rule, an immigrant becomes a tax resident of the Netherlands as soon as they register at the place of new residence, which obliges them to pay 9.28-49.50% tax.

Norway Digital Nomad Visa

  • How to apply
  • Residence permit: Yes (but does not count towards permanent residence)
  • Duration: 2 years, with extension up to 6 years
  • Income: €3250
  • Family: yes
  • Where you can apply from: from your country of residence or from Norway
  • Conditions: It is one of the most difficult visas to obtain in terms of requirements. In Norway, the digital nomad visa allows you to live and work in the country for up to 2 years with the possibility of extending it for up to 6 years. However, to get it, you will need to prove an income of at least €3250 per month. In addition, it is important to have a Norwegian client and a university degree. The visa also allows you to bring your family with you and includes a fee of €600.

Romania Digital Nomad Visa

  • Residence permit: yes
  • Duration: 6 months, may be extended for 1 year
  • Income: €4200
  • Family: yes
  • Where you can apply from: your country of residence
  • Conditions: Romania offers one of the most affordable programs for digital nomads in Europe. The Romanian Digital Nomad visa allows you to live in the country for up to 90 days and implies a subsequent residence permit. Only with this visa, it is possible to request a digital nomad residence permit, which is first issued for 6 months. After that it can be extended for 1 year each time. This means that by renewing this residence permit and following the rule of continuity, one can apply for permanent residence and citizenship. It should take 5 years to get the permanent residence. Time before obtaining citizenship - 8 years. For the first 6 months nomads should not pay taxes. After 6 months of residence in Romania, tax for nomads will be calculated according to the general rule as for tax residents - 10% on worldwide income. Plus, most likely, they will have to cover social insurance in the amount of 25%.

Croatia Digital Nomad Visa

  • How to apply
  • Residence permit: yes
  • Duration: 1 year (can be extended only after 6 months of the previous visa expiry date)
  • Income: €2540
  • Family: yes
  • Where you can apply from: your country of residence
  • Conditions: The Digital Nomad Visa to Croatia is a full residency permit that allows remote workers with a remote income of €2550 per month or more to live in Croatia for 1 year. Alternatively, it is offered to show that you already have at least €30,470 in your account. Under the Croatian program you can not extend your stay (and therefore get a permanent residence). You are only allowed to make a new application six months after the end of the previous visa. The visa also allows you to bring your family with you. There is a 1-year income tax exemption for nomads. Holders of the Croatian digital nomad residence permit can travel freely within the EU.

Montenegro Digital Nomad Visa

  • How to apply
  • Residence permit: yes
  • Duration: 2 years, with extension up to 4 years (but not leading to permanent residence)
  • Income: €1350
  • Family: yes
  • Where you can apply from: only from Montenegro
  • Conditions: Digital Nomad visa to Montenegro is an opportunity to get residence permit in the country for 2 years with extension for 2 more years and not to pay income tax during the whole period of residence. In this case, working in local companies or have local clients is not allowed - all income must come from foreign sources. The minimum monthly income to obtain a visa is €1350. In addition, the visa provides the ability to bring your family with you.

Germany Digital Nomad Visa

  • How to apply
  • Residence permit: yes
  • Duration: 3 years
  • Income: no requirements
  • Family: no
  • Where you can apply from: your country of residence
  • Conditions: Unlike other visas, the German freelancer visa allows you to work in Germany itself and not only online. However, you need to have a good command of the German language. The paperwork process can take several months to complete. To emigrate, you will need to collect and prepare a large number of documents. It is also worth estimating your income level and the approximate cost of living per month in advance. Speaking about German freelance visa, it is necessary to clarify one important point: in German immigration laws freelancer and self-employed are different concepts. Usually you can be self-employed and work as a freelancer, but in Germany self-employed means owning a company and running a business.

Therefore, there is a separate Freelance visa (Freiberufler) and Self-employment visa (Selbständiger). The requirements for the former are much simpler, but you need to fall under one of the "free professions" (check the list). There are no earnings requirements, but you need to prove that you have clients in Germany. Potential clients must write letters confirming their intentions to cooperate. You can not work for one client, (profit from one client should not be more than 83% of the total income Freiberufler). The residence permit is issued for a period of 6 months to 3 years. It can be renewed.

Greece Digital Nomad Visa

  • How to apply
  • Residence permit: yes
  • Duration: 2 years
  • Income: €3500
  • Family: yes
  • Where you can apply from: your country of residence
  • Conditions: Greece has a good visa for digital nomads that can be converted to a residence permit. Let me remind you that a visa is not a residence permit. The Greek Nomad visa only gives you the ability to enter Greece and live there for up to a year, with extensions of up to 2 years. Once the visa is obtained, one can apply for a digital nomad's residence permit. For this, the applicant's income must exceed €3500 per month after taxes. The presence of a spouse or cohabitant increases the salary requirement by 20%, a child - by 15% for each. Such a residence permit is valid for up to two years. If you stay in the country for more than 183 days, you must pay a tax of 44% of income.

Andorra Digital Nomad Visa

  • How to apply
  • Residence permit: yes
  • Duration: 2 years, with extension up to 10 years
  • Income: €3858
  • Family: yes
  • Where you can apply from: only from Andorra
  • Conditions: Actually, a digital nomad visa to Andorra is not a visa, but a type of residence permit based on remote work, which, fortunately for nomads, can be obtained within the country. The Andorran "visa" for nomads is available for remote workers, employees of foreign companies and freelancers working for clients outside Andorra. Candidates must have authorization from the Ministry of Economy, a monthly income of at least 300% of the minimum wage (for 2023 it's a minimum of €3858), insurance for the entire stay and housing in Andorra, whether owned or rented. And yes, if you have a family you would like to bring with you, Andorra provides such an opportunity. The visa is granted for two years with the option to renew for up to ten, which is quite generous. Non-residents have to pay income tax, its rate is 10%.

Hungary Digital Nomad Visa

  • How to apply
  • Residence permit: yes
  • Duration: 1 year, with extension up to 2 years
  • Income: €2000
  • Family: no
  • Where you can apply from: your country of residence
  • Conditions: Hungary has a "White Card" residence permit program for digital nomads. It is open to remote workers and entrepreneurs who conduct business outside the country via the internet. The residence permit is issued for a maximum of one year and can be renewed once for the same period. The holder of the White Card may not leave Hungary for more than 90 days. A residence permit for family members cannot be issued under this program. The applicant's monthly income for the last six months must be at least €2000. The application fee is €110.

Iceland Digital Nomad Visa

  • How to apply
  • Residence permit: no
  • Duration: 180 days
  • Income: €7000
  • Family: yes
  • Where you can apply from: your country of residence of any Schengen country
  • Conditions: Prepare yourself for the fact that your income must be at least €7000 to get a visa. Yes, that's a pretty high bar. The visa is valid for six months and you can bring your family with you. If you are applying from your home country and do not enter Iceland until the visa decision is made, your visa can be granted for about 180 days. If you are applying from your home country but enter any Schengen country before a visa decision is made, your visa will be granted for 180 days minus the days spent in another Schengen country. If you are applying from a Schengen country, a long-term visa will be issued for about 90 days. The Icelandic digital nomad visa cannot be extended. You can reapply for a visa after twelve months.

Latvia Digital Nomad Visa

  • How to apply
  • Residence permit: no
  • Duration: 1 year, with extension up to 2 years
  • Income: €3433
  • Family: no
  • Where you can apply from:
  • Conditions: One of the requirements for obtaining a digital nomad visa in Latvia is to be a resident or citizen of any OECD member state (that's 38 countries). Your income must be €3433 to be eligible for the visa. The Latvian digital nomad visa is valid for one year and can be extended for another year upon expiration. Two years of legal residence in Latvia entitles you to a permanent residence. After five years of residence in the country, you can obtain Latvian citizenship. The visa does not allow you to include family members. Latvia has a progressive income tax system, starting at 20%.

Digital nomad visas in Latin America

Latin America is not only a place with stunning landscapes, but also a paradise for digital nomads, thanks to its welcoming visa programs. Let's take a look at what some of the countries in Latin America have to offer.

Brazil Digital Nomad Visa

  • How to apply
  • Residence permit: yes
  • Duration: 1 year, with extension up to 2 years
  • Income: $1500
  • Family: no
  • Where you can apply from: your country of residence or Brazil
  • Conditions: Brazil has started issuing a digital nomad visa for 1 year with the possibility of extension for another year. Such a visa can be obtained by self-employed or salaried employees who work remotely for foreign companies. Required income: from $1500 per month. If monthly income does not meet this requirement, you can also show savings of $18000 or more. This visa allows applicants to include a spouse and children under the age of 18 on the application, and the required income is not increased. This visa does not authorize one to work in Brazil for local companies. Digital Nomad Visa can be applied for from the country where you are a resident or locally in Brazil. The whole process can take from 2 weeks to a month. For those in Brazil as tourists, the procedure for obtaining a visa and residence permit is slightly different: you must apply through MigranteWeb.

Costa Rica Digital Nomad Visa

  • How to apply
  • Residence permit: no
  • Duration: 1 year, with extension up to 2 years
  • Income: $3000
  • Family: yes
  • Where you can apply from:
  • Conditions: The applicant's country of origin should be on the visa-free entry list for Costa Rica. In addition, nomads on this visa are completely exempt from paying income tax in Costa Rica. You just need to pay the tax in your country of residence. This digital nomad visa does not lead to a residency permit.

Mexico Digital Nomad Visa

  • How to apply
  • Residence permit: yes
  • Duration: 1 year, with extension up to 4 years
  • Income: $2595
  • Family: yes
  • Where you can apply from: your country of residence
  • Conditions: Mexico offers temporary residency for digital nomads for up to 1 year, renewable for up to 4 years. The visa requires proof of income of $2595 per month for the past 6 months. Mexico attracts with its rich history, culture and some of the best resorts in the world, providing an ideal environment to work and relax. Also, if you earn more than 51% of your income outside of Mexico, you do not have to pay taxes to prevent double taxation. If, however, you receive 50% of your income in Mexico, you will need the advice of a tax accountant to determine which tax group you belong to.

Uruguay Digital Nomad Visa

  • How to apply
  • Residence permit: yes
  • Duration: 6 months, with extension up to 1 year
  • Income: no requirements
  • Family: no
  • Where you can apply from: only from Uruguay
  • Conditions: In 2023, Uruguay introduced the Digital Nomad Visa program. It allows foreigners to live and work in Uruguay for up to 180 days. You can apply online while already in the country as a tourist. Most importantly, there are no income requirements. After 180 days, the permit can be extended for another 6 months. Nomads do not have to pay income tax. At the same time, it is not allowed to work in local companies or have local clients - all income must come from foreign sources. To obtain a visa, you will be required to have a passport and a sworn statement that you have the means to financially support yourself for the entire period. That's it!

Ecuador Digital Nomad Visa

  • How to apply
  • Residence permit: yes
  • Duration: 2 years
  • Income: $1350
  • Family: yes
  • Where you can apply from:
  • Conditions: Ecuador offers a visa for digital nomads known as the Rentista Temporary Residence Visa, which allows foreigners to work remotely in the country for up to 2 years. To obtain one, a remote worker's employment contract (for any state other than Ecuador) must be provided. The applicant's spouse as well as their minor children are also eligible for the visa. Required income: from $1,350 per month (at least 3 Ecuadorian minimum wage). You will also need to show +$250 for each dependent family member. You will also need a notarized copy of your employment contract with the apostille.

Digital nomad visas in the Caribbean

Let's talk about how you can move to work in the Caribbean if you're a digital nomad. Imagine you're already sitting on the beach with your laptop, and palm trees and the sea all around. Sounds tempting, doesn't it? But before that dream becomes a reality, you need to sort out the visa requirements. So, here's what you need to know about visas in the Caribbean.

Anguilla Digital Nomad Visa

  • How to apply
  • Residence permit: no
  • Duration: 1 year
  • Income: no requirements
  • Family: yes
  • Where you can apply from: your country of residence
  • Conditions: You can get a full year's stay here, and you don't have to prove a certain level of income to do so. Pretty convenient, right? Plus, you can bring your family with you. Just go to the iVisit Anguilla website and follow the instructions. The processing of a digital nomad visa takes 7 to 14 days, starting from the time you submit your application and pay all the required fees. Unfortunately, the Anguilla nomad visa cannot be extended. In order to continue your stay on the island after your visa expires, you will have to apply for a new one. Anguilla is a tax-free jurisdiction. There is no income tax, capital gains tax, property tax or other direct taxes on individuals, regardless of residency status. The government regulates a tax-free jurisdiction through customs duties.

Antigua and Barbuda Digital Nomad Visa

  • How to apply
  • Residence permit: yes
  • Duration: 2 years
  • Income: $4166
  • Family: yes
  • Where you can apply from: online from anywhere in the world
  • Conditions: You are given the opportunity to live on the islands for up to two years. But there is one "but" - you will need to prove that your income is at least $50,000 per year. And yes, prepare yourself to pay a visa fee of $1500. If that's not a problem, then feel free to apply through their official Nomad Digital Residence website. As a digital nomad, you are exempt from paying income tax in Antigua and Barbuda.

Bahamas Digital Nomad Visa

  • How to apply
  • Residence permit: yes
  • Duration: 1 year with the extension up to 3 years
  • Income: no requirements
  • Family: yes
  • Where you can apply from: online from anywhere in the world
  • Conditions: There is a BEATS program waiting for you in the Bahamas. A Digital Nomad visa in the Bahamas is valid for up to one year. This visa can be renewed twice and you can stay for up to three years. There are no specific income requirements, which makes it easy. However, there is a fee - $1,000. As a digital nomad in the Bahamas, you do not have to pay any income or capital gains taxes.

Barbados Digital Nomad Visa

  • How to apply
  • Residence permit: no
  • Duration: 1 year
  • Income: $4166
  • Family: yes
  • Where you can apply from: online from anywhere in the world
  • Conditions: Here, you can get a one-year stay permit if you can prove an income of $50,000 per year. Also, during this 12-month period, you can travel both inside and outside Barbados. You can take your family with you too. As a digital nomad in Barbados, you are not liable to pay income tax. Applying for a digital nomad visa in Barbados is easy. You can fill out the application online. It will only take a few minutes to fill it out. The application is processed within 48 hours and you will have to wait up to 5 business days to get a confirmation or denial.

Belize Digital Nomad Visa

  • How to apply
  • Residence permit: no
  • Duration: 6 months
  • Income: $6250
  • Family: yes
  • Where you can apply from: from your country of residence
  • Conditions: With a visa program that allows you to reside here for up to 6 months, you will have a unique opportunity to explore the magnificent coral reefs and rainforests. However, it's worth considering that you'll need to prove a high enough income to qualify for the visa - at least $75,000, or $100,000 per year if you're bringing a family. Still, the ability to bring your family with you makes this program attractive to those who are not traveling alone. Digital nomads working for companies based abroad do not have to pay income tax in Belize.

Bermuda Digital Nomad Visa

  • How to apply
  • Residence permit: no
  • Duration: 1 year
  • Income: not mentioned
  • Family: yes
  • Where you can apply from:
  • Conditions: The Atlantic island of Bermuda has a program for remote workers called Work from Bermuda. It allows you to spend a year in the country. You can participate in the program as many times as you like. The applicant and all family members must submit separate applications on the same day. The application form is filled out online. The application fee is $275 per person. The application form is completed in 15 minutes. A decision is communicated within five business days. With an approved application, one can freely enter the country. Applicants must prove that they meet the vague "substantial income" requirement for Bermuda - meaning a source of income that can support remote work on the island. The exact amount is not named. Digital nomads do not pay taxes in Bermuda.

Dominica Digital Nomad Visa

  • How to apply
  • Residence permit: no
  • Duration: 18 months
  • Income: $4166
  • Family: yes
  • Where you can apply from: your country of residence
  • Conditions: Dominica's Nomad visa, known as the Dominica Work in Nature (WIN) program, allows remote workers to live and work in the Caribbean country for up to 18 months. The income requirement is $50,000 per year. The ability to bring your family with you is also a big plus. As a digital nomad in Dominica, you won't have to pay taxes on income, capital gains or dividends.

Curaçao Digital Nomad Visa

  • How to apply
  • Residence permit: no
  • Duration: 6 months, with extension up to 1 year
  • Income: no requirements
  • Family: yes
  • Where you can apply from: your country of residence or from Curaçao
  • Conditions: Curaçao's digital nomad visa is known as the @Home in Curaçao program. Successful candidates can stay in Curaçao for an initial six-month period with the option to extend for a further six months. The lack of strict income requirements makes Curaçao particularly attractive to a wide range of digital nomads. The ability to bring your family along at no additional cost makes this program even more attractive. Under the @Home in Curaçao program, you are not required to pay income tax. The visa application process is completely online: you will only need a few minutes to fill out the application. You will then only have to wait two weeks to receive a response.

Digital nomad visas in Asia

Now let's talk about something very interesting and relevant for those who dream of working overlooking exotic landscapes, which is the digital nomad visa in Asia. Asia attracts with its diverse cultures, incredible cuisine and of course, stunning places to live and work. There are countries here that have already opened their doors to digital nomads, offering special visas and programs. Let's break down which countries offer such opportunities and what you need to know to make your experience as successful and comfortable as possible.

Malaysia Digital Nomad Visa

  • How to apply
  • Residence permit: no
  • Duration: 1 year, with extension up to 2 years
  • Income: $2000
  • Family: yes
  • Where you can apply from: your country of residence
  • Conditions: Malaysia has a special De Rantau Nomad Pass visa for remote workers and freelancers who work in IT and digital technology fields such as programming, cybersecurity, artificial intelligence, digital creative content creation. The visa is granted for three months to a year and can be extended for another year. It allows you to move with your family. The application is submitted online, and a decision is made within six to eight weeks. Status is checked on the same website. The visa fee is $224 per applicant and $112 per family member.

Taiwan Digital Nomad Visa

  • How to apply
  • Residence permit: yes
  • Duration: 3 years, with extension up to 6 years
  • Income: $5700
  • Family: no
  • Where you can apply from: both from your country of residence and from Taiwan
  • Conditions: The only visa that is suitable for digital nomads and remote workers is the Taiwan Employment Gold Card. The Gold Card has dual value as an open work permit and as a residence permit. Foreign professionals can stay in Taiwan for one or three years. Members can apply for renewal within 4 months before the Card expires, for a maximum of 3 years. If you want to live in Taiwan, you must prove that you have a monthly income of $5700. If you do not have such an income, Taiwan also hosts professionals in one of the following fields: architecture, culture and arts, economics, education, finance, law, national defense, science and technology, or sports.

Perhaps the most valuable benefit of the Gold Card is the right to work for Taiwanese companies while living within the country. This means that freelancers can work for multiple companies in Taiwan, while entrepreneurs can start their own business.

Thailand Digital Nomad Visa

  • How to apply
  • Residence permit: no
  • Duration: 5 years, with extension up to 10 years
  • Income: $3333
  • Family: yes
  • Where you can apply from: both from your country of residence and from Thailand
  • Conditions: Thailand now has a 10-year visa for digital nomads called the LTR (long-term resident) visa. In this case the visa is just right for true nomads, as it is not a LTR that requires you to sit in one country to maintain status. You can apply for a visa for 5 years with the possibility of extension up to 10 years. You can get a visa on the spot. Annual income should be from $80000, or from $40000 with an additional condition: a master's degree, ownership of intellectual property, or receiving a series A investment of at least $1 million.

South Korea Digital Nomad Visa

  • How to apply
  • Residence permit: yes
  • Duration: 1 year, with extension up to 2 years
  • Income: $5144
  • Family: yes
  • Where you can apply from: your country of residence or from South Korea
  • Conditions: Korea has started testing the "digital nomad" visa process from January 1, 2024. The new visa system is considered a trial and the government will later evaluate whether to make the process permanent. For now, applications are being accepted. The visa allows you to stay for up to 2 years. You can bring family members with you. Must provide proof of annual income over $66,000 and have at least one year of experience in their field.

Japan Digital Nomad Visa

  • How to apply
  • Residence permit: no
  • Duration: 6 months
  • Income: $5666
  • Family: yes
  • Where you can apply from: your country of residence
  • Conditions: Japan's digital Nomad Visa, announced to launch in March 2024, is designed to attract international talent from these countries. This visa will allow foreign nationals working remotely to stay in the country for up to six months. One can bring dependents such as a legally married spouse and children under one visa. One must have a minimum annual income of at least $68,000. You also need to have a passport from a country that has visa-free entry and double taxation agreements with Japan, such as the United States, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, and European Union countries. Double-check your eligibility on the website of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan for entry requirements, and on the official website of the Ministry of Finance for double taxation avoidance agreements.

Digital nomad visas in Africa

Here's something interesting for those who dream of a job overlooking exotic landscapes! I present to you the terms and conditions of visa programs in amazing places like UAE, Cape Verde, Mauritius, Namibia and Seychelles. Each of these places offers its own unique opportunities for digital nomads, so let's break down exactly what's in store for you there.

UAE Digital Nomad Visa

  • How to apply
  • Residence permit: yes
  • Duration: 5 years
  • Income: $3500
  • Family: yes
  • Where you can apply from: from your country of residence or from Dubai
  • Conditions: The Work Remotely from Dubai program is available in the Emirate of Dubai in the UAE. It allows remote workers and entrepreneurs who run their business via the Internet to obtain an annual visa. Monthly income must be at least $3500. The application is submitted on the website of the program from abroad or already in Dubai. After that the applicant will be asked to send scans of all documents and wait for approval. They do not write about the terms of the decision. The total cost of participation in the program is $611 per person, which includes the application fee, preliminary medical examination and issuance of a national Emirates ID card. Under the program you can move with your family - the conditions do not say that because of this you will have to confirm a large amount of income. You cannot leave the country for more than six consecutive months, otherwise the visa will be canceled. To extend the visa, you have to apply again and pay the fee. As a digital nomad in Dubai, you don't have to pay income tax.

Cape Verde Digital Nomad Visa

  • How to apply
  • Residence permit: no
  • Duration: 6 months
  • Income: $1500
  • Family: yes
  • Where you can apply from: from your country of residence
  • Conditions: The Cape Verde Digital Nomad visa is available to residents of Europe, North America, the Community of Portuguese-speaking Countries and the Economic Community of West African States. The island nation west of Africa issues six-month visas for remote workers. The required income is from $1500 a month for the last six months and from $2700 a month for those traveling with family. At the same time, the visa program website does not specify the size of the family. Applications are accepted online, with an average processing time of two weeks. To get a Cape Verde Nomad visa, you need to pay two fees: the visa fee is $20 and the airport fee is $34. Compared to other countries that offer digital nomad visas, the fees are quite low. Digital nomads in Cape Verde are exempt from income tax and any other taxes.

Mauritius Digital Nomad Visa

  • How to apply
  • Residence permit: no
  • Duration: 1 year
  • Income: $1500
  • Family: yes
  • Where you can apply from: your country of residence
  • Conditions: For those who fall in love with the island and decide to linger, the government has introduced visas for digital nomads with a stay period of up to 1 year, renewable.  Mauritius issues a Premium Visa for those whose monthly income exceeds $1500. It can be issued either in advance or while already in the country on a tourist visa. Premium Visa allows you to move with your family. In this case, an additional adult must show an income of $1500 per month, and for each child - $500. The application is submitted online and will be processed within 48 hours. The e-visa will arrive in the mail. Applying for a digital nomad visa in Mauritius is free. As a digital nomad in Mauritius, you are not required to pay taxes for six months. However, you will be considered a tax resident after 183 days of your stay.

Namibia Digital Nomad Visa

  • How to apply
  • Residence permit: no
  • Duration: 6 months with the extension for another 6
  • Income: $2000
  • Family: yes
  • Where you can apply from: from your country of residence
  • Conditions: Namibia, with its vast deserts and wildlife, is also ready to welcome digital nomads for 6 months with the possibility of extending for another 6. Here you will need at least $2000 per month. If you're applying with a family, that's an additional $1000 per month and you should have a budget of $500 per month per child. While you are applying for the digital nomad visa, you should start looking for tickets and accommodation. Luckily, the official Namibian visa website has some guidelines that you should familiarize yourself with. There you'll also find tips on which places to visit and even which sim card to purchase.

Seychelles Digital Nomad Visa

  • How to apply
  • Residence permit: no
  • Duration: 1 year
  • Income: no requirements
  • Family: yes
  • Where you can apply from:
  • Conditions: You can live in Seychelles for a month to a year as part of the Seychelles Workcation. As a digital nomad in Seychelles, you are not required to pay any local income tax. Getting a digital nomad visa in Seychelles is easy. You just need to apply online. The application form is filled in a few minutes. Not many documents are required and you only have to wait for a few weeks. You have to pay a one-time fee of only $46. The specific amount of earnings is not written, but you will still have to prove the availability of funds with bank statements.
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